Love Being Myself

John Alexander

What does it mean to Love-being-myself?

To love being yourself means that we need to identify the things we do that make us unhappy, the things that stop us from loving ourselves as we are, or who we’ve become.

A Second chance

Loving yourself means exploring the different areas of your life, in a loving way. With an open mind and heart, you can give yourself a second chance.

A second chance may mean forgiving someone who has done you wrong in the past or it may mean letting go of some anger you have stored within you which decides to make an appearance every now and then without warning. That anger can be what prevents you from either receiving unconditional love or it can be what keeps you stuck in a relationship which lacks unconditional love.

Conditional love

Conditional love can very easily be maintained within a relationship which is based on ‘give and take’. For example, if someone comes around every so often and hugs you or gives you a little bit more, you will do anything in return. These are what I call the ‘crumbs’ in a relationship.

These relationships have a condition attached to everything, instead of just being genuinely loving. They come with a whole host of ‘if you do this for me, I will do this for you’. A person can accept this type of conditional love if they lack self-love and/or cannot manage their own fits of rage. Rage comes in two forms – Inner and Outer, some of us can be ‘angry’ with ourselves or of course ‘angry’ with others, our partners or those close to us (our children for example).


These people can also struggle to co-habit with others because of their fits of anger or need for ‘space’ to maintain their anger/sanity. Their lives consist of maintaining their inner-madness. Sometimes they do this by the use of things that help them to suppress their anger. Either drugs or alcohol, or sometimes even sex is used to release or take their minds off the pain. Any suppression technique may work for a time but the pain or anger always returns.

If you want to do something different because what you’ve been doing hasn’t been working. Then start fresh, start with you.

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Getting UP!

Lovebeing Angry!

Love Being Videos

Getting up in the mornings is one of the hardest things to do when you’ve either had very little sleep or you’re feeling demotivated. Alcohol, drugs such as marijuana and a racing-worrying mind, will keep us from getting the rest we deserve in readiness for the next day. Lovebeing motivateMe videos are the perfect antidote to that early morning wrestle. Our culture has changed, we now take drugs to get to sleep and drugs to wake us up! Let’s do something different…

Being Angry is one of the most difficult energies to shake from our persona. We are always running late, not for an appointment but running late to catch ourselves from screaming, shouting or hurting those closest to us. We arrive in an angry state and before we know it, we’re hurtling words of abuse or pain at someone – we are often too late to stop those words from doing the damage we try to avoid. We must enter our darkness and seek out the signs to our fear, anguish and pain so we can start the repair work on our Anger…

Fear, where does it come from and where is it going. Nobody knows except us. Our fear which resides in the hidden depths of our personality is the twin of stubbornness, the two together are an unbeatable combination in preventing us from becoming who we truly are, there is always something or someone who has injected a spike of fear into us from some incident in the past. But, how does it live on, preventing us from ever speaking up or chasing our dreams? Here comes stubbornness, the brick wall to our support, the brick wall to that helping hand or listening ear…

Where does that voice come from that keeps us from moving forward, from speaking out, from reaching out to someone who holds the compassion we need in their heart, the compassion you need, to listen to you, without judgement? That voice of fear, helplessness, the smile you once had, extinguished by the Bully in the playground, the Bully at work, the Bully in the bedroom, the Bully that gets a kick out of seeing others suffer more than they do… Help is at hand! Help is lovebeing, lovebeing is here…

It’s one thing setting goals and another putting them to work. New Year’s Resolutions don’t work without a firm plan of Action with steps. Take your goals seriously but not too seriously, why? Because life happens and when it does we need to be able to put our goals on hold and get back to them when the time is right. Set goals, set timescales, set budgets, set the intention in your calendar for a reminder to get things done. A plan on paper isn’t a plan if it isn’t in your diary. So, diary your plan. New business? Business Plan – Get it done. Holiday? Start a saving plan.  Get help…

Anxiety and car accidents are both at top of the list for preventing us from getting in that car again and doing the things we love, getting the freedom we need when we need it, getting to work on time, travelling safely, seeing far away friends, more job opportunities – generally avoiding being stuck in a rut, The car opens up possibilities we can only dream of especially when we consider being able to safely travel in foreign countries. Giving our love ones a break from all the responsibility. But how do we crack the habit? It starts here… Love driving.


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John Alexander
John Alexander
Time can either be for us or against us. I’m planning on using mine wisely, sometimes doing something otherwise doing nothing. Both necessary on the Journey of Life.
About Me

Introduction to Love being myself

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